Monday, July 18, 2016


for the record i was not present at this June 9th 2016  meeting, despite erroneous reports from Amelia Templeton of Oregon Public Braoadcastring and Allison Walz of Portland Police. I was actually coming in from Clatsop County Grand Jury where i testified with DA Peterson on matter of Benjamen Pickering homicide attempt and assault of Astoria Police June 2. 2016. I arrived in PDX town @ 9pm June 9, 2016 went to sleep and awoke to go to City Hall and Shake Dennis Rosenbaum's hand, saying "i wonder if your hand is as cold and shaky as mine" I asked Amy Watson if she was coming or going. i told Ellen Osinach i liked her jacket, a bronze motorcycle mini-jacket.  Ms. Fritz walked past me. I had just called 911 on heidi sutterfeld's pimp/heroinpusher and Michael Cohen kept an eye on him when he approached Heidi inside City Hall.
I am not sure at what time, i became aware of the COAB arrests. I was not present, although i was concerned about COAB due to the May 12 melt-down about Bud Feuless accusations that David Kif Davis is a skinhead, despite the fact that he's Jewish. The Oregonian at approached the subject with less temerity than usual, in their latest anonymous editorial.

Ironically, bias-tinged theatrics at the board's meetings have established a new low in Portland's otherwise celebrated civic engagement. At one meeting, an angry citizen correctly pointed out that a board member had branded him a skinhead online when, in fact, he explained that he was a Jew with a history of kicking skinheads and neo-Nazis silly. The aggrieved citizen, who described himself as mentally ill, became abusive and profane in spewing invective at the board, derailing the meeting altogether and hijacking any semblance of public process. The board member's apology for the online smear, however, was issued later and directed only at the board, not the unruly citizen, making matters worse.

Then the session got personal.
Kif Davis, who had been escorted from the meeting in the past for filming board members and was the one who prompted the board's chair to set up a restricted area for public filming of its sessions, demanded an apology from board member Bud Feuless, who had described Davis on Facebook as a skinhead.
Feuless came back from a break and apologized to the board for the Facebook post. Addressing fellow board members, Feuless said, "It was a huge mistake, and it has created a huge distraction, so I need to apologize to you for creating that distraction, for my mistake.''
"I apologize to anyone'' who was traumatized by "that word, skinhead,'' Feuless added.
But Feuless' obvious avoidance of apologizing directly to Davis made Davis even more agitated and drew harsh taunts from Davis and his supporters. Davis said he's "a Jewish guy with mental illness," not a skinhead.
By the end of the evening, uniformed police officers had escorted two people out of the room who continued to create disruptions, Davis and local activist Laura Vanderlyn. They were both accused of second-degree criminal trespass.
"The facilitator is supposed to be facilitating conversation with the public, but that's not what's happening,'' Vanderlyn said. "The board and the public is constantly being censored. We need real leadership.''
Unable to regain control, Saadat adjourned the meeting shortly after 8 p.m.
The board never got to any real discussion of its last agenda item: "COAB priorities, and the work moving forward.''

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