Thursday, August 4, 2016
Charlie Hales must testify, before he escapes Portland for a Bermuda Triangle of his own making.
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From: mary rose lenore eng
Date: Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 4:03 PM
Subject: 9am Corkscrew court date
To: David Kif Davis ,, Austin Palda , "Geissler, Jonas (CRT)" , "Brown, Adrian (USAOR)" ,,,, BANFIELD Glen ,, Don't Shoot Portland , Laura Vanderlyn , Katie H ,, Lee Wachocki
Michael Shu,
I consider Charlie Hales inciting John Chandler of g4s threat to plant an imaginary corkscrew on me to initiate 6/29/16 brutality by Todd Engstrom a serious abuse of the Multnomah DA by Charlie Hales and g4s.
It is a backdoor violation of federal Judge Michael Simon's injunction against Charlie Hales exclusions of activists from city hall re: Joe Walsh.
If lying about planted weapons is the new "exclusion" Hales must explain this new "backdoor" civil rights infringement and form of harassment to Geissler and the Portland branch of US ATty's office who know me and know my work.
Jonas Geissler will be in town for USA v. Portland October 25th which i wont miss as Pickering and i have followed and supported intensely the ongoing settlement, for which i am being retaliated in the corkscrew branch of the #ODeaShooting coverup.
Pickering was vociferously denied medical care by every conceivable branch of four counties Wahkiakum, Pacific, Clatsop, and Multnomah, who were content to have me killed while malpracticing him and releasing him to have suicidal/homicidal rages at me. He should never have been put in that position by Judge Immergut, Lee Wachocki, behavioral Health Unit, or the cops who beat him, or the city council who tried to cover it up. etc.
9am Friday august 5th multnomah courthouse either room 330 or 406.
the extravagant waste of my time, health, and money for Charlie Hales corruption and criminal resentment against USA v. PDX, and investigation for #ODeaShooting coverup,i will give to god at temple for shabbat on the lawn.
My health is run down from the Pickering abuse saga, but Charlie Hales wants to kick me in the face, since Portland Polce always failed to help me, when i was being abused by Pickering and his bromances at PPB.
jake morse Metro Defender paralegal boss has taken my voicemail report about not wanting to ever have to deal with legal assistant Austin Palda after abusing me again today on the phone re: our bad experience with the Portland Police Brutality victim Benjamen Pickering matter resulting in the 2013 bar complaint against Dawn Andrews who verbally abused Ben and denied his brutality had ever been inflicted by Karl Klundt Cioetta et al.
Re: Your client who tried to kill me June 2, 2016.
Lee Wachocki at least WON Ben's case, whilst letting Karl Klundt run off on day two of Immergut's 2014 trial
And for which, i am being "corkscrewed"
David Davis,
Michael Shu is currently my atty for Mayor's fake case and anticipates a trial set for early October. Could You let him know your schedule availability as my trial will be separate from Joe Walsh, Rob West, and yourself for maximum court-room inefficiency on we Noncriminal volunteer copwatcher accountability types.
I must have G4s Michael Cohen who is ON OUR SIDE testify on my behalf, as we are friends. Mike Miller will testify as well. Most of all Charlie Hales must testify, before he escapes Portland for a Bermuda Triangle of his own making.
Mary Eng
503 470 9985 obama phone for poor people when not at
503 468 0450 astoria
Possible Correction:
HSU not SHu but pronounced Shu
im confused
HSU not SHu but pronounced Shu
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Chief Marshman never got therapy or any help to try to prevent him from committing child abuse/domestic violence again.
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From: "Katie H" <>
Date: Aug 3, 2016 10:41 AM
Subject: Chief Marshman never got therapy or any help to try to prevent him from committing child abuse/domestic violence again. This is very scary as a domestic violence survivor who is traumatized to this day.
To: "Commissioner Fritz" <>, "Deanna Wesson-Mitchell" < >, <>, "Steve Novick" <>, "Nick Fish" <>, <>, < >, "Marshman, Michael" < >, "Osoinach, Ellen" < >, "Prosper, Judy" < >, <>, < >, < >, < >, < >, < >, < >, <
>, < >, < >, <>, < >, "Tracy Reeve" < >, "Buehler, Brian (CRT)" <>, <>, "Brown, Adrian (USAEO)" <>, <>, "Jonas Geissler (CRT)" <>, <>, "Menditch, Jaclyn (CRT)" <>, <>
From: "Katie H" <>
Date: Aug 3, 2016 10:41 AM
Subject: Chief Marshman never got therapy or any help to try to prevent him from committing child abuse/domestic violence again. This is very scary as a domestic violence survivor who is traumatized to this day.
To: "Commissioner Fritz" <>, "Deanna Wesson-Mitchell" <deanna.wesson-mitchell@
Apparently Marshman only went to 3 therapy sessions after the choking and the incident was never discussed because the therapist would have had to call DHS to report abuse of a minor. He should have gone to jail for child abuse and never have been allowed to work in law enforcement again.
"The stepson said his relationship with Marshman changed after the choke. He stated that "he felt as if he had one up on his dad and that his dad owed him something because of being 'in deep (trouble),'" the report said."
"The troubled family went to three counseling sessions after the altercation, but did not mention the physical contact to the therapist. The ex-wife told the detective it was because they feared divulging such information might hurt Marshman's career.". (So nobody even thought well maybe there's a good reason this should affect his career.)
So Chief Marshman never got any therapy or help for his anger issues that caused him to choke and bruise his minor stepson, because he was more worried about keeping his job than actually getting help to stop him from abusing another person. He just tried to brush it under the rug and pretend like it never happened. Is he psychologically fit for duty? This is why we have trouble trusting the police. When you have police officers have broken the law and try to conceal their crime, it is a security risk because it does make your more suspectible to not doing the right thing.
The fact that they purposely avoided mentioning anything about the choking to a therapist, tells me that Marshman was fully aware of just how bad his actions were and cared more about avoiding consequences and accountability than doing the right thing and getting the help necessary to ensure this never happens again. This is not acceptable behavior for anyone, let alone the Chief of Oregon's largest city! I don't understand how this man is even still a police officer because I cannot imagine any police dept hiring a confirmed child abuser who never sought any treatment or took any responsibility. Heck, most DAs and public defenders can be terminated simply for having a police contact, even if no arrests or charges result.
Monday, August 1, 2016
Lisa Haynes tells her story of abuse at the hands of Portland Police
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Subject: Corkscrew weapon planting threat is the new City Hall Exclusion
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: mary rose lenore eng <>
Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 9:46 PM
Subject: Corkscrew weapon planting threat is the new City Hall Exclusion
Of course i had no corkscrew. See Allison Walz lying report.
Revenge for
or supporting
503 468 0458 Astoria home id love to talk if you see a story here
503 470 9985 cell
Mary Eng
thanks for journalizing!
Mayor Hales wouldn't want revenge on me for outing his cops bashing a blind brain injury developmentally disabled man would he?????????????????????????????????????????
arrest of the NagChampa four to get even with us for copwatching and supporting USA v. PDX.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: mary rose lenore eng <>
Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 8:54 AM
Subject: Forgot to say on phone
To: "Geissler, Jonas (CRT)" <>
From: mary rose lenore eng <>
Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 8:54 AM
Subject: Forgot to say on phone
To: "Geissler, Jonas (CRT)" <>
Portland needs:
1. Annual or Bi-annual Fairness hearings to intake new claims of brutality v. settlement and constitution
2. to go to court.
Bc W/out supervision of Judge Michael Simon our voices are being suppressed within the COAB/COCL structure.
Tom Steensson's request for a court-appointed monitor may help.
As it stands, Rosenbaum/Watson have alienated the public by writing disparaging letter to the editor calling Jewish people who were bullied by COAB member-- mentally ill, had MexicanAmerican Laura Vanderlyn ICE harassed despite perfect standing in USA.
Why was the Officer Karl Klundt at COAb after crushing Ben Pickering's head in 2013?
I let him know the 6-2-16 disaster in which Pickering tried to crush my head off my neck.
Thank you for intaking info Todd Engstrom bruising me on Police Commissioner/Mayor Charlie Hales lie to 911 via G4S agent John Chandler.
thing is they like to outsource their brutality to internationally renowned human rights abusers G4s. I was able to intercept this so it put bruising/crushing me, Joe Walsh, David Kif Davis ---(and rob west) back into Portland Police's court.
Hope DC is lovely this time of year.
It was consoling to hear your voice.
As usual, the Multnomah DA will collaborate in Mayor Hales witch trial to distract us from the two successive ODEASHOOTINg and the MARSHMANCHOKING scandals.
of course, we are afraid the ODea Shooting scandal might have been a botched murder. so Hales going on TV to say he wasnt really drunk is curious. if he was shooting cold sober, then well . . .
Mary Eng
503 468 0450 Astoria
My health complications from the June assaults quite unfortunate. My neck lymph nodes are swelling at the place of maximum stress during pickering attack. Arms still sore from Engstrom/Walz assault on Mayor's vendetta arrest of the NagChampa four to get even with us for copwatching and supporting USA v. PDX.
IA contacts i'm cultivating.
Mark Heffley
Frank Gorgone
James Young is former Michigan DA hired to destroy architecture of IPR/CRC. Charles Johnson, Jewish, splashed water in his face and charged the NeoNazi Mark Kruger sent into the Jewish CRC to incite a riot. Portland Police are using his racism to deliberately harass us.
Johnson's lawyer will help subpoena Kruger and the witch trial aspect will be reversed as we evaluate the deliberate subversion of the process, by coldhearted idiocy-----
Kruger is a national security threat and we need a Task Force on Neonazi extremism at Portland Police
Mary ENg
Ben Pickering is at Oregon State Hospital and Clatsop DA very good.. Astoria Detective Nicole Riley highest merit for nonlethal takedown. Very thrilled he survived. He thought i control the police and am a top flight spy like all the CIA movies he'd been watching with Tom Roddy, a Vietnam recruiter and CPS accountant, former Marines.
Katie Houle who works for HUD is offering very keen insights. Her pappy is some FDIC atty in DC, and she's brilliant and cant wait for the Oct. 25 hearing.
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